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Privacy Statement

Your Information and The Privacy Act

Community Support Frankston Inc. (CSF) respects and acknowledges the privacy of individuals. Any information you give to us is for the purposes of providing services or to carry out our functions. Under the provisions of the Privacy Act information being collected by CSF will be held securely and no information will be passed on to any other person or entity without your written consent. You have the right of access to, and alteration of, incorrect personal information concerning yourself in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Read our Privacy Brochure:  "Privacy Policy" 95k (2 page PDF file)

On this website, CSF tracks non-personal statistical information to help us understand more about how our site is used and work on ways to improve it. This information is not linked to any personal details on actual visitors. CSF uses this information about visits to the site through a tracking programme that shows how many times our website is visited each day, visits each page receives, the route taken through these pages and other general information.

Complaints about our Service
Community Support Frankston (CSF) aims to provide a quality service to the people of Frankston and we take all complaints seriously. If you wish to make a complaint please complete and return the “complaints” form.

"Authority to Release Information - Complaint" 102k (2 page PDF file)

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